Stone and Ashes: How You Haunt Me

Soul is sequestered.
Hanging fruit in a forest of giants.
Praying for atonement or holy alliance.
Molding my bones.
Soul seller, solely uncensored.
Sling to be highest bidder, sold to Goliath.
Liquor bottle pried in my fingers. Corroded and weathered.
Like sewing a sweater, stitching holes I’m developing.
Alone in his centerpiece, exhausted, but smiling.
Phone ringing attentively. Moment of silence.
Calloused fingers, punched the rotary dialing.
Show me a sign, show me some messages.
But show me something
Worth more than I’m fretting for.
We’re watching canonized poetry as it slowly develops.
Patternized moments wove into metaphors.
The samurai shonin with his robe and umbrella.
And a massive sized sword in his holster is held up.
Romanticizing loneliness.
Tethered alignment in a Saturn sky orbiting.
We’re all enraptured to die,
For worse, or for better.
Choke in the sand surge that envelops the earth.
Lying in dirt. Drenched in his own recollections.
Pirating strongholds, storm in depression.
Hurricane in a teacup.
Hold the blade in my teeth.
For someone so verbose, I hardly say what I mean.
That’s what you’d say to me.
Footsteps loud, like a mouse, but barely a peep.
I would hear your silence as a gaping scream.
Allow me to breathe, as normalcy sorts in.
Don’t know if I’m abnormal, or still hopelessly mourning.
Grief is a black mass that I’m slowly growing around.
Soundproof my coffin of screams before you lower me down.
Apex predator in a matrix. My cage is lead proof.
Still have dreams of your tombstone I never paid respects to.
Every morning at three, pray at your feet and rest for a while.
Heard nothing but echoes. Tense moment denial.
The depth of the situation brought me closer to ire.
Stone and ashes, your ghost and some fire.
Heads closed in, like a labyrinth threshold.
Side-thorn, bloodshot. Gigawattage electrode.
Eyes sore, daily. I ask, is there anything left to fight for?
Life is a cuckoo’s nest beginning to look like psych wards.
Every fiber of my being – nylon nervous system sidewalks.
Bicep tendon, symbolism. Combination ice cold.
Thromboembolism. Narcissism. It’s hard to paint the right tones.
Existentialist grave digger. Ghost hunter. Face filter.
Illiterate author.
Conspiracy factist. Fascist stuck in Francisco Ascaso.
Conjecture gets harder. The lesser the gaudier.
The lesson: contemporary. Your protector. Your guardian. Preparation delirium. Procrastination is lazy.
Injection paste into serum, like they did to blacks in the 80s. Reincarnation’s a bitch.
Your face in the stitches you gave me.
Scars are stark reminders of how efficient this pain is.
Perturbed with no purpose, let’s give it a pause.
And stop for a while
the resentment is awful.
Statuette in a costume, Baphomet with a cross.
Sometimes thinking I’m crazy.
Always thinking I’m lost.
Seeking fulfilling things – small cause, far from colossus.
Never thinking I’m right.
Confused with humility.

The Catch-22 of Indigo and Magenta: A Poem of Dilemmas and Choices

My most cherished possession, holstered like a primary weapon
Baseline until I count to seven, quiet like a library session
Four Five Six.
These moments just help you evolve
Which adds truth to my theory that pain is necessary involvement
In life and in fiction, typecast me as your typical loner
Sedentary absolving, finding peace as a cynical joker
Time caught in a stone. I’d propose if you let it
I could grab you a minute, if you’d hold me a second
Slowly regressing into a caterpillar
Hold me. Then clench me.
Visit my calloused winters (Don’t) let me go- grab my spring and its passive whispers
Don’t catch my depression, but do catch my kisses
Even if it’s something to feel
Run to the hills.
Rip out this chapter and section
Tourniquet heal.
Veins indigo, black, and magenta
Dab in scented oil to mask the repentance
Show valid potential in aridest deserts
Ignoring red flags was only half of the question Half the equation-double the time–learned a third of the lesson
Rose-colored glasses shroud the color of pennants
Do wing-clipped fowls still make the bird as majestic?
Do inklings slipped under your door make you regret it?
Still hear your laugh interlaced in absentia If a tree falls in a forest you burn, does it matter no more?
Does the sound it makes get engulfed in the roars?
Patient connoisseur, full of control
Atom poems in my notepad stayed so reactive
Drunk cursive shooting out my pen like the borealis
Digitalis in the garden. Ketel 1 in my ale
Procrastinating the ending, I couldn’t have been better prepared
No plot twists keep character progression derailed
Fighting uphill battles with no wind in my sails
I promise you I meant what I said
Even if half of it was muttered on the other side of the bed
I’m waiting alone, plagued by a catch-22.
You sang me a song but sang it in blue.
Win, lose or draw.
Paint pictures of this varying muse
Recapturing colors that I barely knew

Coping with Death, Depression, and Self-Injury: A Personal Story

This post is a reflection on the topic of self-help, inspired by a person who I admire greatly but have never spoken to. In ten days, it will mark the date when I lost my childhood friend to suicide. I was only 17 years old at the time.

This is my friend George, who posed for a spontaneous photo shoot that we did near our homes. We were neighbors and we used to hang out after school, having fun and being teenage boys. This photo captures one of those times.

I lived in the same street as George, my childhood friend. The morning after he died, I went to school late as usual and headed to the class I was failing. I noticed something odd about the atmosphere, but I shrugged it off. I was used to ignoring anything that seemed off, because I had a rebellious and cynical attitude. I walked into the class and everyone greeted me with forced smiles and sad eyes.

I realized something was wrong, but I didn’t know what it was. One of my friends in class said that what happened to George was “crazy” and that he “couldn’t believe it”. I remember that moment very clearly, as if it was a photograph. In fact, I remember everything so vividly that it still haunts me. If I ever learn how to paint, I will paint this scene: kids standing or sitting on desks around me, like planets orbiting a sun that doesn’t know what’s coming.

I asked him which George he was talking about, and what had happened.

Everyone thought that my indifference was a way of coping with my friend’s death, rather than my normal behavior.

Let me repeat that. My classmates thought that me ignoring them was a coping mechanism, and not my usual way of living.

“George got into an accident.”

-“Oh, like skateboarding?”

He looked nervous and the class was silent. He said:

“No, man. He…uh. He shot himself.

He’s dead.”

As I entered the next class, I experienced a sense of dread and foreboding. The day turned dark, not literally, but metaphorically, and I felt as if a huge cloud was looming over me, casting a permanent shadow. I could not find any words to describe it. I sat in the class and gradually, tears began to stream down my face as the lecture continued. They felt scorching hot, like molten lava. They reminded me of the tears I had shed before, the previous night, and the night before that. But I never cried in public. That was something I reserved for my private space, where I could lock the door, stuff pillows and blankets under it to muffle the sound, and let out my cries for help (or rather, I thought, to avoid bothering anyone with my distress).

What I did then was curl up into a ball and cry. I cried and cried until they had to call my mom. I was mortified by my display of weakness. Everyone seemed to understand, though. I hoped they would forget. My mom arrived and I walked as if I had lost a limb. Tears still falling from my face.

Mom asked “Why am I picking you up?”

I started to cry again.

She asked why.

She repeated the question, more urgently.

I could not speak. It was as if the reaper who had followed me had cut out my tongue and fed it to wolves. To demons, that I felt had been haunting me for a long time.

In response to the pent-up tension, I emitted a primal scream, embraced her, and uttered “my friend’s mother. My friend! He has departed.”

I wept. And I regurgitated. I articulated many more things, but I will omit them for the sake of their vulgarity.

I conjecture, retrospectively, that I harbored a desire to terminate my own existence. (Not conjecture, but affirm, did desire) I was almost resentful of George for preceding me in that act. It sounds peculiar, insincere, indifferent towards my friendship with him. But I felt, perhaps ending my own life would have prevented others from following the same path.

“Would you leap off a bridge if your friend did?”

In this case, no. I just wish I had leaped off first.

I felt as if he outpaced me in the race. For years I indulged, not in self-injury. But a bizarre form of masochistic self-punishment. Not in the “conventional” (is that even the appropriate word? It sounds dreadful as hell) sense (wrists, cutting, eating disorders, etc) I exercised my body rigorously. Excessively. I would perform sit-ups and push-ups until I was immobilized. I would strike myself in the abdomen, and face, to “fortify” myself. I would fracture my wrists from hitting objects. I would urinate blood frequently. I would have contusions the size of grapefruit, that I strategically concealed with loose clothing, my long hair, and other instruments of my rebellious nature. The list, regrettably continues.

That was my distorted version of strength. Me being strong was being able to endure my own version of hell that I felt the world created for me. I wanted to demonstrate to myself (and myself only) that I was stronger than the demons that pursued me.

I never consulted a therapist. Never confided in a friend. Never disclosed anything. Ever. How could I?

In the subsequent year, I witnessed my mother weeping inconsolably. She sobbed as I had never seen her do before. She sobbed as she had seen me do once. I entered the room, indifferent. I feigned strength – like a stoic, unperturbed, with a calm demeanor – and inquired, “What is the matter?” She uttered with difficulty, “He is gone, my father is dead!”

I had never observed such agony in someone’s eyes. So exposed and vulnerable. Kneeling. The carpet revealed that she had probably been shedding tears for hours.

I turned to her and said, “Well, … such is life.” (I regret that).

And I walked away.

I did not shed a single tear. In fact, I still have not mourned my grandfather’s death.

A beautiful moment captured between my cousin Aura Maria and her little girl.

My cousin, who was about the same age as me and had a child, passed away from breast cancer that spread to her lung. She endured a long and difficult fight against the disease. I never expressed how I felt about her death, even though it left a hole in my stomach. No one ever asked me how I was coping. They probably assumed that my silence was a sign of strength and resilience. But death is a very personal thing, and I cannot find any poetic words to describe it. It is not as romantic as some people might think.

I do not blame myself for anything I did in the past. My only regret is that I did not seek help when I needed it. I tried to create my own version of strength, but it was not enough. My regret is that I did not comfort my mother, who was kneeling in grief, and tell her that everything would be okay and that I was there for her. She never recovered from the loss.

My regret is that I did not do the same for myself. Help yourself. Please.


This is a rare family photo of me and my cousins and siblings in Colombia. I am the only boy in the picture, and the one who is taller than me is Aura Maria, my cousin. She passed away from breast cancer a few years ago. I lived in the United States, and most of my family lived in Colombia, so we hardly ever got to see each other. This was the only time we were all together, and I cherish this memory.

Thank you for reading my blog and supporting my work. I appreciate your feedback and encouragement. I know you are looking forward to reading more of my poems, and I have good news for you. I have resumed my regular schedule of posting new poems every week. You can expect to see some fresh and original content from me soon. I hope you will enjoy them and share them with your friends. If you have any suggestions or requests for topics or themes, please let me know in the comments section. I would love to hear from you. Stay tuned for more updates and poems.

Again, and Again: A Poem of Repetition and Resignation


I hear footsteps awaken the creaks in the floor Again. Who the fuck’s at the door?
Nightstand machete laid neatly in drawer.
Revolver ‘neath queen mattress, in case of a quarrel-
But- There’s nothing.
Just repentance, contempt, intentions dissolved.
Gunpowder, protein drinks, and penniless thoughts.
Could’ve sworn there was something. Apparently not.
Hear a swarm of bees next to me every dawn before dark.
Borderline manic. Try undoing the damage
Safe spaces fossilize our balloons and our cages
As therapeutic as raindrops on metal roof interchanges.
Bruised inner spaces, perusing the calluses.
Mister aloof and erratic meeting his doomsayer.
How many times are you going to be abusing my patience?
Interactive relations via internal damnation.
Stray further from kinship.
Let’s purge the pervasion.
Starboard to kingship- observe the insane.
Social connection more grandeur than normal distinction
Hormonal response. Formality close to extinction Forming a bond. Cutthroat. Synovial strong
Childhood friends like famous rockstars. So many gone
Kurt, Latore, Shakur, shuffling through on the browser
Normalcy’s paused. Quiet as space. Jupiter’s powder
Going through life thinking, how do I amount? Inner city soul, stained by destitute out-of-towners
With every nuance I learned from human encounters
Too many to count. Too many to counsel
When obstacles are given names like they’re mountains
Who would’ve thought? Who could’ve seen this
My descent towards aloof disregarding
Diluvian shark fin. Hell in a handbasket Downpours start when my umbrella unravels
Distinct as makeshift drum sets in the Big Apple
Phasing out white noise on hierarchical basis
Psychosomatic. Mind warp. Self-actualization
Dwell in differentiation you promptly install in
We’re basic creatures. Basically bombs
Waiting to go off. Waiting to want.
Ticking till doomsday. Can’t wait to disarm me
But Something is wrong when
My Maslow pyramid has 5 entries for love and belonging
Some things prolonged, let the panic begin
To quiet storms to harsh circumstances again
Don’t need you to resolve what I mention
Just put my tears in a mason while you nod in acceptance.


Nice Guys Finish Last: A Poem of Unrequited Love and Frustration

I’m stronger than you. Or I thought I was. Maybe I am. Don’t touch me. Make up your mind. Tell me you love me. Fuck me like you mean it. Mean it when you fuck me, love me when you tell me, you love me. Tell me a secret.  Show me your ghosts, and I’ll show you, my demons. Baby, you should go. Maybe we only got along because our monsters played nice. How can I atone? I’m so over being alone. But I’d rather be alone than prone to abandonment and holding on to consolation that’ll never be known. Fuck what your sentiments wrote – they lied to me and let it be shown.

A lantern is only a guide if the lights lit, and you have your sights set on looking for home. Hope you sow what you reap, motherfucker, my eyes on you. You’ll be holding up hollow fruit with no seeds in between. you asked me to keep my poetic words away from hurting your soul. I aint keen on breaking promises, but no. Hold on a minute, hold on an hour, hold onto my throat. my broken heart is telling me you told him you won’t.

Fuck it, I’m definitely stronger than you. If I did half the shit you did, you wouldn’t be breathing.

I could feel it. My heart was beating faster than it should. I kissed you while crying, my eyes blurring the truth. Moments froze. A cryogenic holding cell, to serve as reconnaissance. Mild dilemma. Miles of enemies. My field of daisies wakes up to your bombs. Rot in your holding cell. Holding your rotting cells. Selfish, cold, hell. I hope that you’re happy. Well, I’m happy you’re hoping. We look at the present like it’s not as good as the past, try to absolve ourselves from what the future brings us. Cumulonimbus. Futuristic. Who are you kissing?

It’s me. Look at your constellation tattoo and connect the dots. I am that shining star. Do you ever look at it? It’s the letter Y. The same letter as the question I ask. Phases unphased. Finding myself in the middle of nowhere. Then, I’m finding myself in the middle of nowhere. I don’t know what I am, but I do know what you aren’t. Humans are complex. We show emotions that we don’t currently feel and hide the ones that we do feel. I’m a crab in my shell when I’m screaming to let me the fuck out of my own skin. Someone once said it is impossible to be selfish and happy – and that’s terribly true. I just hope you stop being selfish.

You tell yourself you’re a free soul, unbound by any chains. But my love, you’re holding your own chains. You’re not free. You’re just running away. There are no underground railroads for people who run away from the truth. There is only one way to unlock the chains. Your lips need to stop telling lies. Now tell me with your eyes how you’ll make that happen.

Slowly Detaching from Reality

She whispers In a drunken moan.
She’s slowly falling in love.
Ask her how slowly?
We’re slowly making art when we fuck.
Making sure she comprehends.
A lion covered in cuts.
Licking wounds. Vicissitude. Saliva and blood.
We’re controlled experiments.
And you’re variable A. Variable B, mumbles to self.
Paranoia pirated brain.
Dancing in her solitude, self-awareness immense.
Telling women it’s OK to aim that gun at my head.
What’s wrong with you? She asks.

Where do I start?
The mountain that’s eroding or my castle of rocks?
Where debris of glass houses lay in demise.
I’m praying to God.
Don’t even know if God cares that I die.
Barely a heart. Just a human vessel, imitating a life.
My advice to any friend is don’t end up like me.
What do you mean?
Deflecting momentary practices to forget I’m diseased.
Why do I feel so strongly?
It isn’t normal to me.
Feel my ocean tide get wilder.
Moons orbiting me.
Dormant volcano waiting for a moment to speak. Sometimes; I need… just a moment to breathe.
Declining every phone call is a habit I’ve reached.
Detaching from reality so I can actually breathe.
Do they call it paranoia if I want you to leave?
She whispers; how will I find you in this wintery prose?
I bleed slowly.
Follow the trail in the vermillion snow.

How to Trick Yourself into Love: A Poem Inspired by Hercules and the River Styx

Killed in combat over and over,
killing disease, killed in disguise,
killed when I sleep, killed in my dreams,
killed because I’m weak.
Attracting spiritually broken, they see a healer in me.
Chill in my bones.
Killing me slowly, kiss me. It’s frozen.
Feeling the breeze.
Or is that you behind, huffing on these?
Maroon eye, jeweled demon, ruby iris.
Drool dripping.
Do or die.
Wolf wedding.

Sheep ring bearers, unsheared sheep pastor.
Wool clothing.
The warmth of our rivalry helps me fall asleep faster.
Hyper empath, I hear your heartbeat miles away.
Hear it before I fall asleep.
Hear it when I’m on a date.
Why does it all of a sudden beat faster?
Is it a scary movie? Reading a letter from me you’re ignoring?
Are you late to work? Or have you met someone new?
Sometimes, I like looking at you when you aren’t looking at me.
It’s relaxing to know, you aren’t thinking about how my eyes engulf you.
I’ve lost the illusion of things I thought irreplaceable, only to acquire ones that I thought hoping for once made me delusional.
Losing you, learning to realize reasons why I’m the way I am, like my obsession for control, like a sextant in my throat.
I couldn’t control falling in love.
And there you go. Want to know a secret into tricking yourself?
Think of a moment when you’re warm, cradled. Drinking an aromatic, or brushing the warm fibers of your bed.
Now, this is where you think of someone. You can trick yourself into thinking they’re there with you.
Back muscles tense up. I keep forgetting to forget about you.
Can’t remember to remember you’re not here. I’ll try harder when I’m drunk and you’re drunk and we can find each other in that intoxication and hopefully talk about it and what shouldn’t have happened.

What the Fuck Do I Do With This Hot Chocolate?

The moon

The moon,
The sun
The sun, the moon
Press mute
Doomed, doomed, doomed
I’m doomed.
We’re done
Who, who, who Are you?
Who are we?
What are we?
So very meek
You’re a cup of hot chocolate
On the fiercest winter morning
Feel the blisters forming
Whistle through the windows
Pixelating percentage
Cold air Whistling Dixie
Through the windows
It’s snowing.
Frost on the glass
Particle splat
Icicles look like Christmas ornaments
Your silence
Makes me question myself
I was too human
Too human. Too human
Too goddamn human.

(Everywhere I put a period is a moment in the story where I teared up and cried.)


I regret,
maybe I should’ve danced
That one time
That one time
Maybe that would’ve changed something
That one time that
Hot chocolate, woman, cup
God damn it.
Open up
Do I remain robotic?
Or do I remain human?
Beep boop
My safe full of cold guns
Beep boop.

What do I do with you?

JOURNAL: Fire Breather: A Short-Story of Self-Dialogue of Confusion and Acceptance

I’m a fire breather, spitting flames, chowing down on dragons for breakfast. Who’s up for crispy lips and tongues reduced to ash? I’ve been holding back for a while now, keeping my cool, not letting my inner fire show. My self-esteem is like a blazing sun, making the actual sun nervous.

Inkblots and profound contemplations hold little sway over me. I am a literary monster, voraciously consuming words, meticulously extracting imperfections as if they were stubborn morsels lodged in my teeth. The pursuit of knowledge, one might surmise, does not align with my predilections.

Upon awakening from the realm of nightmares, I find myself offering a reproachful nod to my brain, demanding greater ingenuity in its nocturnal creations. Perhaps in the future, my very heart shall tire of its rhythmic cadence, perhaps it’ll create another melodic wave for itself. It’s all quite the jest, an enigma not easily deciphered by the uninitiated. My disposition is not one of indolence but rather one of intellectual acumen- one wrought with skill and precision.  Skillfully concealed within the obscurity of shadows and soot.

I harbor an earnest desire to avoid inconveniencing others, demonstrated through the artful interception of a mid-air sneeze or the prudent sideline counsel offered to the Great Ali on the refinement of his footwork. As I analyze my mile times, the prospect of whether I have outgrown this competitive race taunts my contemplative fire breathing. “Perhaps,” I say, “it’s time to invest in a collection of third-place trophies.

I tend to simplify my speech when I’m chatting with folks, but when that lactic acid starts settling in, my inner masochist comes out to play. My Achilles’ heel? Knowing when to go all in. It’s like this constant internal debate: Should I give it my all, or am I just afraid of not being the best?

And then there’s the whole “do I love you or not” dilemma that’s got me scratching my head. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions, one minute I’m sure I love it, and the next, I’m not so sure. What I can say for certain is that I’ve got a fear of uncharted territories, of new places. Which probably explains why I didn’t give you a fair shot. Rejection terrifies me. But when I’m around you, there’s this mysterious reaction going on, and I’m equally fascinated and perplexed by it.

It’s the one thing I couldn’t dissect like I do with chemical reactions, breaking it down into molecules, atoms, acids, proteins, muscles, and yes, even madness. But you know what? I’ve come to realize that I didn’t really need to break it down. It’s dawning on me now that I’ve been hiding behind a façade of self-love and self-deprecating humor, and I’m teetering on the edge of falling apart.

And then, out of the blue, you entered the picture, seemingly from nowhere and yet right here. I usually love deciphering puzzles in a heartbeat, dissecting things like Picasso’s “Self Portrait Facing Death” just to delve into the artist’s psyche. But you, you’re an enigma. I can’t quite figure you out. You’re right there, yet somehow not. You’re here, but concealed beneath all this emotional debris. She’s right here, Cristian, and it’s hitting me hard.

Perhaps consider enlisting a bloodhound to sniff out the elusive hole in my heart. Maybe that could work. But here’s the thing, just a mere whisper, and maybe you’ll resurrect her. Right there. (Read this next part in tiny text) Right there.

I vividly recall my days in Mexico City, strutting around like a wanderer. My little game was to memorize faces for a fleeting five minutes, and let me tell you, they all took residence in my nightmares, incessantly urging me to stop trying to prove something to myself. Then, lo and behold, I’d stumble upon them during random city jaunts, and I’d exclaim, “I’ve seen you before!” (in my head, at least) and promptly proceed to sleep for half a day, or perhaps go on an impromptu hiking expedition. So, what I’m getting at is that all this while, those faces were right there. Everything I’ve ever went against that I created as an obstacle was always right there. 

It’s like you, you know? Not in a physical sense, of course. There are moments when I sense your presence, a warmth akin to a blazing fire, right there. But alas, I understand that my fiery breath might not allow it to be so. Its why dragons are always alone.

The Unbearable Lightness of Being a Mad Scientist: A Poem of Passion and Pain

Mix gunpowder and moments of silence
Gather components you’d author with smiles
Combustible crossover, lost in your eyeballs
Gifting a locket, heart-shaped alloy

Wishing upon an asteroid comet


It’ll turn to debris before it reaches me
Countdown from three, wishing your frown obsolete
Douse gasoline, that sets blaze to decree
Miscellaneous, mundane

Mistletoe mainframe, hypnotize what lingers in me

Complex emotions
Compartmentalizing alone
Left alone in your apartment
High-strung and high-rise

Affectionate tease
Was used to darkness from sunrise till sun shivers
Stand in front of me, shut eyes with your fingers
Pressed mute with your kisses

Tell the moon to revisit

I’d mouth I loved you in English
What could’ve been at a later date
Neck, shoulder, premeditation
From your inner desire, and overture taste
Melanin eye, brown sepia.
Tell me these lies
Skeleton sky.
Clouds breaking off into my lines
Sound waves get soft, and decibels dice
Where consensual lust rears its head in and tithes
Gives a percentage of care, pretend to be bare
You only said what you said to dissect what was rare
Those are your words.
Foreword. Fast forward

Ball of mass in a chokehold

Ozone layer of old words layered

Strapped over my torso

I’m so… so angered. Hormones anchored

To you. Apropos the flavor

Addicted to it. Postpone my conflicted prayers

I’m such a sicko. I hate it.
Like a mad scientist wanting to create Frankenstein but can’t
I’m misaligned. Attack of the Titans, a clash of indecisive I cant’s.
I can’t, not decipher the feelings.
Let me rot and writhe.
Holding a wallet picture of us in my pocket insides.
Wanting to gift it.
Arduous. Physics.
Trying to stop what I’m thinking.

But can’t

How to Survive the Hellhound: A Lyrical Exploration of Trauma and Healing

Dear anyone,

Heartbreaking, shattering, crushing, blasphemous, bludgeoning, over-saturated. Don’t be surprised if we can’t be separated. Science needs a new invention to mend hearts or a swab test for tears, where a story is written by the chemicals in them. And the chemicals in them are only ones that I can create with my signature on them, my blood, and my distinction. Nobody else. Well, that is interesting. Cristian doesn’t want it to end like this. The story is written by an author who has no business writing it. Don’t be surprised if one night we’re looking at each other eye to eye, holding each other close, so close, so close, I can feel you brush your passionate breaths against my lungs that fill with air, and move your head. I feel you slipping away. And by now, the category 5 hurricane by all and any expert is said to have definitely slowed down. The eye has shrunk. Our eyes have shrunk. It isn’t a category 5 anymore and it won’t ever be a category 5. And sometimes, looking at the weather, I believe it will slow down. I don’t want it to. The chaos of it all is intriguing, inviting, warming. Sometimes, though, other times, I don’t believe it at all. Other days it’s category 6, maybe 7, 8, or 9. Category 20. And I feel this storm going up in numbers, up and up. It’s the size of the entire planet now. I’m the only weather reporter that believes this. I have hope in my math. Don’t believe in machines. I want to categorize 20 different parts of you that I fell in love with. Category 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: I love you. Your love is a hurricane; it comes and goes in September. It came and went. It went. 6: Your honesty is like powerful gusts of wind that rip trees from their roots, that blow stop signs from their post, rip roofs off house tops. 14: I love how much we loved each other. It’s like, I thought it was real. Maybe it was. Maybe it isn’t. I have so much to give. You wanted to give, at least still do. I don’t know. 21: Please don’t do this. I don’t want to feel like an acting lesson, your only Oscar. Don’t if I couldI’d bring a version of you back from a time machine so I could talk to them about the future-you. Maybe I could understand better, feel better. I regret anything I did that brought me here. Did I say too little, say too much, love too hard, love too soft? Was it me crying? Was it my silence at 5am? I didn’t mean to. I’m… I’m going. Well, I was… I was going through some things. These things now are different things, though. Hurricane Artois. They say don’t chase what you can’t catch. I caught feelings. You caught my heart. I chased. Don’t be surprised if you can’t find something like this. Nobody can do what I do, like me. Not even close. Can’t extinguish flames with a whisper. Don’t be surprised. Don’t be surprised when I don’t stop. If you jump, I jump over frontiers written in bold text saying “invade me” with invisible feeling into bewitching allure of where my heart is kept in your cage, backstroking through the perfect sound waves where each word spoken fits in my ear, words where you made me imagine us together with wrinkles. I was so drunk when we were together. My submarine descends into our own fucking galaxy (I’m STILL HERE!!!) of silk and honey being handwoven by broken hands (20th time) into this fucking perfect perfection we perfected. I was so hypnotized. Was that an eclipse or did the moon kiss the sun and did the sun close her eyes while he did? I was captured by your solar flare, tunnel vision, tunnel feeling. The moon and sun deathly slow, slow dance to the Spanish passacaglia, raising goosebumps on your arms. We jumped to the moon. The moon jumped to the sun. The sun burned


21-Word Short-Story: Heartbeats in Your Wrist

21 word short story